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Nikos Theonas

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Everything posted by Nikos Theonas

  1. thnx...... tha to psaksw....
  2. xairetai. loipon.... eimai katoxos enos golf iv me hliorofh apo to ergostasio kai meta apo vroxh h plisimo diapistosa arxika ugrasia kai me ton kairo stagonitses pou olo kai plhthenan..... gnorizw gia ta solinakia pou kataligoun katw apo ton mentese twn mprostinwn thurwn alla logiaka prepei na uparxoun kai pisw gia thn periptosh pou h klhsh tou oxhmatos einai analogh.... to pou vriskontai omws auta den to gnwrizw...... an kapoios gnwrizei kati sxetika me to provlh please as apantisei..... eimai etoimos na ksilwsw olo to eswteriko gia na dw ti exei ginei.......
  3. From the album: My Golf


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