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Ανακλήσεις αυτοκινήτων.

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VW Touareg

H εταιρεία KOSMOCAR A.E., Γενική Αντιπροσωπεία αυτοκινήτων VW στην Ελλάδα, σε συνεργασία με τη Διεύθυνση Τεχνικού Ελέγχου του υπουργείου Ανάπτυξης εκτελούν πρόγραμμα ανάκλησης αυτοκινήτων VW Touareg η οποία αφορά περαιτέρω επισκευαστικές εργασίες στο πίσω σπόιλερ.

Η ανάκληση αφορά 270 οχήματα που πουλήθηκαν από τον Δεκέμβριο του 2007 ως και τον Φεβρουάριο του 2009 στα οποία υπάρχει το ενδεχόμενο να χαλαρώσουν οι στηρίξεις του πίσω σπόιλερ. Δεν μπορεί να αποκλειστεί το ενδεχόμενο να αποκολληθεί τελείως από το όχημα το πίσω σπόιλερ κατά τη διάρκεια της πορείας. Μέχρι στιγμής δεν έχει αναφερθεί στην Ελλάδα καμία περίπτωση ατυχήματος, που να σχετίζεται με το συγκεκριμένο θέμα.

Ήδη έχει ξεκινήσει διαδικασία ενημέρωσης των ιδιοκτητών των ανωτέρω οχημάτων, μέσω συστημένης επιστολής, ώστε να προσέλθουν στους κατά τόπους εξουσιοδοτημένους συνεργάτες service VW της εταιρείας KOSMOCAR A.E., για να γίνουν οι απαραίτητες διορθωτικές ενέργειες, χωρίς καμία οικονομική επιβάρυνση.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες ή διευκρινήσεις οι καταναλωτές μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν με την «24ωρη Γραμμή επικοινωνίας VW» στο τηλέφωνο 210 9945554.


Edited by nikkosnet
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Volvo V70 & S80

Η σουηδική αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία Volvo ανακοίνωσε ότι ανακαλεί 8.500 από τα μοντέλα της V70 2.0 FlexiFuel και S80 2.0 FlexiFuell λόγω προβλημάτων που παρουσίασαν στην αντλία καυσίμου.

Αρκετοί ιδιοκτήτες ανέφεραν ότι τα αυτοκίνητα τους σταματούσαν ξαφνικά, ενώ μερικοί δήλωσαν ότι είναι πιθανό το πρόβλημα να οφείλεται στις πολύ υψηλές θερμοκρασίες.

Σύμφωνα με τα σουηδικά μέσα ενημέρωσης, περίπου 400 ιδιοκτήτες στην χώρα αντιμετώπισαν πρόβλημα με το αυτοκίνητο τους κατά την διάρκεια του πρόσφατου καύσωνα.

"Είναι μεγάλος αριθμός για εμάς για μια τόσο μικρή περίοδο" δήλωσε ο εκπρόσωπος της Volvo, Μπο Λάρσεν.

Τα αυτοκίνητα , οι αντλίες των οποίων θα αντικατασταθούν με καινούργιες, έχουν κατασκευαστεί από το Νοέμβριο του 2007 έως και τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2008, ενώ τα περισσότερα έχουν αγοραστεί στην Σουηδία.


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BMW Series 1 & 3

Τη διενέργεια προγράμματος ανάκλησης αυτοκινήτων BMW, των σειρών 1και 3, ανακοίνωσε ο Γενικός Γραμματέας Καταναλωτή κ. Γιάννης Οικονόμου. Η ανάκληση αφορά 306 οχήματα, παραγωγής από 23/5/2008 έως 21/07/2008, στα οποία απαιτείται έλεγχος της καλωδίωσης του συστήματος των αερόσακων.

Οι κάτοχοι των οχημάτων θα ειδοποιηθούν εγγράφως από τη BMW HELLAS ΑΕ, προκειμένου στην αμέσως επόμενη επίσκεψή τους στα εξουσιοδοτημένα συνεργεία της BMW, να γίνουν ο ενδεδειγμένος έλεγχος και επισκευή της καλωδίωσης εάν είναι απαραίτητο, χωρίς καμία απολύτως οικονομική τους επιβάρυνση.


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Toyota 8 μοντέλα!

Η Toyota Motor Europe ανακοίνωσε την ανάκληση 8 μοντέλων της για προληπτικό έλεγχο στο πεντάλ του γκαζιού. Ο ακριβής αριθμός δεν έχει οριστικοποιηθεί ακόμα, αλλά ενδέχεται να φτάσει το 1,8 εκατομμύριο. Κανένα μοντέλο Lexus ή κάποιο άλλο από τα υπόλοιπα μοντέλα Toyota δεν επηρεάζεται.

Τα εν λόγω μοντέλα και οι περίοδοι παραγωγής τους είναι:

Aygo (Φεβ 2005 – Αυγ 2009)

iQ (Νοε 2008 – Νοε 2009)

Yaris (Νοε 2005 – Σεπ 2009)

Auris (Οκτ 2006 – 5 Ιαν 2010)

Corolla (Οκτ 2006 – Δεκ 2009)

Verso (Φεβ 2009 – 5 Ιαν 2010)

Avensis (Νοε 2008 – Δεκ 2009)

RAV4 (Νοε 2005 – Νοε 2009)

«Πολιτική της Toyota είναι η προτεραιότητα στον πελάτη, σε κάθε περίπτωση» δήλωσε ο Tadashi Arashima, Πρόεδρος & CEO της Toyota Motor Europe. «Κατανοούμε ότι η παρούσα κατάσταση δημιουργεί ανησυχίες, και ειλικρικά λυπούμεθα γιΆ αυτό. Θα θέλαμε επίσης να διαβεβαιώσουμε τους πελάτες: το συγκεκριμένο θέμα, υπάρχει μια μικρή πιθανότητα να παρουσιαστεί μόνο κάτω από αντίξοες συνθήκες λειτουργίας και μόνο σε πολύ σπάνιες περιπτώσεις. Η ενέργεια που ανακοινώνουμε αποτελεί καθαρά και μόνο προληπτικό έλεγχο και στόχος μας είναι να διασφαλίσουμε και να εγγυηθούμε στους πελάτες μας, τα υψηλά πρότυπα ασφάλειας της Τoyota»

Για αυτά τα οχήματα, υπάρχει μια μικρή πιθανότητα, ο μηχανισμός του πεντάλ του γκαζιού, σε ακραίες περιπτώσεις να κολλάει σε μία μερικώς πατημένη θέση ή να αργεί να επανέλθει.

Το φαινόμενο αυτό προκαλείται κυρίως επειδή ο μηχανισμός του πεντάλ του γκαζιού ενδέχεται μετά από μακρόχρονη χρήση να φθαρεί. Αυτή η προοδευτική φθορά, σε συνδυασμό με ορισμένες επιπλέον λειτουργικές και περιβαλλοντικές συνθήκες (π.χ. υγρασία, σκόνη), μπορεί να προκαλέσει αύξηση τριβής στον μηχανισμό με αποτέλεσμα το πεντάλ περιοδικά να γίνεται σκληρότερο στη χρήση, αργό στην επαναφορά ή, σε σπάνιες και ακραίες περιπτώσεις, να κολλάει σε μερικώς ανοιχτή θέση. Η Toyota έχει προβεί σε μέτρα άμεσης αποκατάστασης και αυτή τη στιγμή ακολουθεί μία διαδικασία τελικής αξιολόγησης και επιβεβαίωσης. Μόλις ολοκληρωθεί αυτή η διαδικασία, η Toyota θα κοινοποιήσει σε όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους πελάτες της και τα λοιπά ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη, τις λεπτομέρειες τόσο των διορθωτικών παρεμβάσεων όσο και της διαδικασίας υλοποίησης αυτών.

Αν και πρόκειται για ακραία περίπτωση, η Toyota προτείνει όσοι ενδιαφέρονται για τυχόν επιπρόσθετες πληροφορίες να επικοινωνήσουν με την Τoyota Ελλάς - Τμήμα Εξυπηρέτησης Πελατών - στο τηλέφωνο : 210 2808222

Πηγή: Autotriti.gr

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Λόγω το Aygo, η παραπάνω ανάκληση επηρεάζει και τα Citroen C1 και Peugeot 107 που κατασκευάζονται από την κοινοπραξία PSA (Peugeot, Toyota, Citroen). O συνολικός αριθμός των οχημάτων είναι 97.000!

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Ηρθε δυστυχώς η ώρα να στενοχωρηθούν καποιοι .... μερικές απο τις ανακλήσεις του 2010 :

Volvo S60

The recall concerns model year 2011 cars with VINs from 0000001 to 0003532.

The safety catch for the bonnet may not work properly, in which case it would not protect against the risk that the bonnet may open whilst driving.

Volvo S40/V50/C30

The recall concerns model year 2011 vehicles equipped with 4-cylinder or 5-cylinder petrol engines. The VINs of the affected vehicles are the following: S40: from 0530029 to 0530991 C30: from 0220053 to 0221407 V50: from 0590038 to 0592370.

A problem with the seals connecting the engine coolant bleeder hoses to the coolant expansion tank, may result in a loss of engine coolant and/or air leakage into the engine cooling system. In a worst case scenario, depending on driving conditions, this may appear very rapidly and could result in the engine breaking down which could lead to a road accident.

Opel Astra J and Meriva B

Astra J vehicles, with VIN numbers from B 8 012507 to B 8 016159 and from B G 013718 to B G 028039;

Meriva B vehicles, with VIN numbers from B 4 023636 to B 4 061403.

Only vehicles with a passenger seat without seat height adjustment are affected.

The product poses a risk of injuries because the bolts connecting the passenger seat rails to the seat frame could break in the event of an accident.

Alfa Romeo Giulietta

The recall concerns vehicles with chassis numbers between 7015114 and 7029602.

The product poses a risk of injuries because the bushing of the rear wishbone may not be correctly fitted in the seat on the same wishbone. As a result, under certain conditions, the wheel could become separated from the wishbone, causing a risk of a road accident.

Fiat Doblò

The recall affects:

1. Fiat Doblò all models Cargo and Combi vehicles, whose chassis numbers range between 8000360 and 8004996 and between 9000504 and 9007020,

2. Fiat Doblò all models Panorama vehicles, whose chassis numbers range between 8000920 and 8004999 and between 9000500 and 9006875

The products pose a risk of injuries due to the non-compliance of the anti-roll bar, which may cause a road accident.

Fiat Panda and 500

all models (Recall Campaign 5475)

Description: The recall affects:

1. Fiat Panda vehicles (all models) with chassis numbers ranging from 1753825 to 1755818,

2. Fiat 500 vehicles (all models) with chassis numbers ranging from 0549070 to 0550399.

The products pose a risk of injuries due to the non-compliance of the fixing screw of the upper joint of the steering shaft, which may cause a road accident.

Mitsubishi Outlander

Type of model CW8W. The recall concerns vehicles equipped with 2.0 DiD engine, produced from January through March 2008.

A cable harness might be in contact with the anti-theft bracket and may eventually wear through and cause a short circuit. If the cable for the starter motor short circuited, the starter motor could start to run whilst the car was being driven and could result in the starter motor overheating.

KIA Cee´d

The recall concerns Cee´d (ED) vehicles with ESP specification only, 2008 - 2009 model year, produced from 1 April 2008 to 30 March 2009. Affected vehicle VIN range:

- 5 Door: U5YFF24338L107126 ~ U5YFF24129L174461

- Wagon: U5YFF52438L044634 ~ U5YFF52429L105979

- 3 Door: U5YFF23328L014378 ~ U5YFF23429L038987

The product poses a risk of injuries as there is a possibility that, in some rare circumstances, insufficient brake force could be produced by the master brake cylinder which could potentially lead to a road accident.

VOLVO S40, V50, C70, C30, S80, V70, XC70, XC90, XC60

The recall concerns model years 2010-2011, equipped with 6-speed manual gearbox, M66. The VINs of the affected vehicles are:

C70: from 0098008 to 0099383

XC60: from 0077895 to 0136284

C30: from 0182625 to 0213511

S40: from 0497461 to 0514357

V50: from 0543653 to 0579597

S80: from 0120618 to 0130015

V70: from 0136282 to 0158770

XC70: from 0079381 to 0089583

XC90: from 0544419 to 0560779

The product poses a risk of injuries as the ball joint on the gear shift lever may come loose, in which case the driver will not be able to change gear. As this could happen without any prior warning to the driver it could potentially lead to a road accident.

Volvo S80, V70, XC70, XC60

The recall concerns XC60/S80/V70/XC70 cars (model year 2009), equipped with diesel engine. The VINs of the affected vehicles are: XC70: from 0047520 to 0065138 XC60: from 0000001 to 0028507 S80: from 0087016 to 0106230 V70: from 0067517 to 0106435.

Early wear can occur on a belt tensioner and in the worst case may lead to loss of drive resulting in immobility of the vehicle and loss of power steering assistance which could lead to a road accident.

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ΣΥΝΕΧΕΙΑ 1 .....

Honda Jazz and Civic

Jazz: GG4, GG5, GG6

Civic: FN1, FN2, FN3, FN4, FK1, FK2, FK3.

The recall concerns certain 2010 model year vehicles, manufactured between 2 February 2010 and 6 April 2010 and within the VIN range.

The product poses a risk of injuries as a brake pedal pin retaining clip may not be installed, in which case it is possible for the brake pedal pin to become detached.

Opel Corsa D

The recall concerns 2010 model year vehicles, with VIN numbers from A 4 056611 to B 4 000023 (factory: Zaragoza, Spain) and from A 6 028704 to B 6 000004 (factory: Eisenach, Germany).

The product poses a risk of injuries as the handbrake cable end fitting can move into the support bracket, resulting in a loss of the handbrake function which could potentially lead to a road accident.

Fiat 500 Abarth

500 Abarth with 1.4 Turbo petrol engine, chassis numbers between 0458151 and 0508171.

The fixing screws for the clutch control hydraulic pump could break leading to the impossibility of engaging the gears which could cause a road accident.

Fiat Scudo 2.0 JTD

The recall concerns all vehicles, with chassis ranging between 4003021 and 4208669 and between 5999002 and 5999517.

The product poses a risk of fire

because there could be contact between the fuel pipe and the engine sound insulation cover, resulting in deterioration of the fuel pipe over time.

Renault Laguna III

The recall concerns Laguna III, Hatchback and Sport Tourer, vehicles, from the start of production up to 24 August 2009

There is a risk of deterioration of the driver's seat belt lap pre-tensioner cable due to fatigue, particularly when the seat is in the lowest position.

Volvo V70, XC70, S80

The recall concerns model year 2007 and 2008 vehicles, equipped with the D5244T5 or the D5244T4 diesel engine

Description: The recall concerns models with VINs:

from 0000330 to 0040256 (XC70),

from 0000312 to 0055705 (V70) and from 0000862 to 0082770 (S80).

The product poses a risk of injuries due to a problem with the fan-belt tensioner, resulting in immobility of the vehicle and loss of power steering assistance.

Porsche Panamera

Panamera S, Panamera 4S and Panamera Turbo. List of VIN-numbers

Description: The recall concerns model year 2010 vehicles, produced from start of production until 25 February 2010.

The product poses a risk of injuries due to a fault in the belt clamping mechanism for the front seats. As a result, the seat belt mount can become detached from the anchoring system when fastening or opening the seat belt and the restraining function of the belt is therefore no longer guaranteed.

Fiat Punto EVO 1.4 16v 105 HP

The recall concerns all vehicles, with chassis numbers ranging between 545886 and 625473 (line 1) and between 1470304 and 1614878 (line 2), plus the single chassis number 491054.

The product poses a risk of injuries because the fitted tyres could feature an incorrect speed index, i.e.; tyres 185/65 R15 T (wrong), instead of 185/65 R15 H (right), which could lead to a road accident.

Opel Antara

2007 and 2008 models. VIN numbers from 7 0 005553 to 8 0 210090 and from 7 A 000001 to 8 A 000213.

The product poses a risk of injuries because there is the possibility that the steering intermediate shaft yoke could become disconnected from the steering column shaft under certain driving conditions, resulting in loss of steering control.

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

Vehicles manufactured between May 2006 and April 2009

The product poses a risk of fire because the filter of the engine oil separator may become obstructed with dirt particles, increasing the pressure in the crankcase and leading to the possibility that oil could escape onto hot parts in the engine compartment.

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ΣΥΝΕΧΕΙΑ 2 .........

JEEP Wrangler

Wrangler and Wrangler Unlimited (type JK) (recall campaign J30)

The recall applies only to the above vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission.

The product poses a risk of fire because the transmission fluid on the affected vehicles may overheat under certain driving conditions. Continuous operation under these conditions may cause the transmission fluid to boil over and come in contact with hot engine or exhaust components. This could cause an underhood fire without warning.

Chevrolet Cruze

2010 model year vehicles, produced between 25 September 2009 and 3 December 2009. The affected vehicles have VINs in the range between AK550595 to AK599629

The product poses a risk of fire because the fuel feed pipe could leak.

Citroën C2, C3, C3 Pluriel, C8, Jumpy

Vehicles manufactured between 2006 and 2009 are affected:

C3: VF7FC8HZB28779493 to VF7FRKFVC29119309

Type: F*HFX* e2*98/14*0256*..

Type: F*KFV* e2*98/14*0257*..

Type: F*NFU* e2*98/14*0258*..

Type: F*8HX* e2*98/14*0259*..

Type: F*8HY* e2*98/14*0261*..

Type: F*KFU* e2*2001/116*0289*..

Type: F*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0317*..

Type: F*9HX* e2*2001/116*0318*..

Type: F*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0329*..

C2: VF7JG8HZC97425595 to VF7JMNFU97536203

Type: J*HFX* e2*2001/116*0283*..

Type: J*KFV* e2*2001/116*0284*..

Type: J*NFU* e2*2001/116*0285*..

Type: J*8HX* e2*2001/116*0286*..

Type: J*NFS* e2*2001/116*0309*..

Type: J*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0316*..

Type: J*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0339*..

Type: J*KFU* e2*2001/116*0344*..

C3 Pluriel: VF7HB8HZC28036886 to VF7HBNFUC8E500020

Type: H***** e2*2001/116*0266*..

C8: VF7EA4HTH13353043 to VF7EBRHRH13376919

Type: E***** e2*98/14*0254*..

Jumpy: VF7ATTENT64006762 to VF7XWRHKH64154556

Type: X***** e2*2001/116*0350*..

The product poses a risk of injuries because it is possible that the headlights may deactivate when not required.

Suzuki Alto

AMF310. The recall concerns 5-door vehicles equipped with 1.0L engine, with VINs from MA3GFC31S00117403 to MA3GFC31S00193450.

The product poses a risk of fire because fuel leakage may occur due to a possible problem with the seating of the fuel pump. .

Audi Q5 (8R)

The recall concerns 2009 model years vehicles, produced between December 2008 and May 2009, with VINs: from WAU***8R*AA000212 to WAU***8R*AA000850, from WAU***8R*9A006992 to WAU***8R*9A054268, from WA1***FP*AA000330 to WA1***FP*AA000330 and from WA1***8R*9A009345 to WA1***8R*9A054263.

The product poses a risk of injuries because, in the event of an accident resulting in triggering of the curtain airbags, the A-pillar trim can come loose moving into the passenger compartment.

Volvo XC60

2009 to 2010 model year Volvo XC60 vehicles, with VINs from 0027474 to 0070444.

The product poses a risk of fire because the fuel line rail, protecting the fuel lines underneath the car, may not be properly attached and may come loose exposing the fuel lines underneath the vehicle to damage.

OPEL Insignia

Insignia Model year: 2011.

Light passenger vehicle. Fabrication numbers: from B 1 017475 to B 1 051478.

The product poses a risk of injuries because the “Driver Airbag Module” may separate from the horn plate of the steering wheel in case of deployment.

OPEL Astra and Insignia

Models Astra J and Insignia (recall campaign 10-C-046)

The recall concerns 2010 and 2011 model year OPEL Astra J vehicles, with VINs from B 8 023030 to B 8 023938 (factory: Ellesmere Port) and from A G 091656 to B G 041791 (factory: Gliwice) and Insignia vehicles, with VINs from B 1 055991 to B 1 060051 (factory: Ruesselsheim).

The product poses a risk of injuries because of anti-pinch malfunction on front door window regulator right side (RH) that might appear. As a result, the hand or fingers of the passengers might entrap during the function of closing the window.


2009 - 43 WEEK

Recall Campaign 37E8

2009 and 2010 model years vehicles produced between September 2008 and August 2009 and equipped with 6-speed DSG gearbox.

The product poses a risk of injuries because the gearbox control unit may read the clutch temperature incorrectly, activating the gearbox protection function and resulting in a loss of transmission.

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VOLKSWAGEN is recalling certain model year

2006-2010 jetta, new beetle, new beetle convertible,

2009 jetta sportwagen

2007-2009 rabbit

vehicles equipped with 2.5l engines.

The jetta, jetta sportwagen, and rabbit vehicles may have a small plastic tab located on the windshield washer fluid reservoir that may chafe against an underhood fuel supply line.

The new beetle and the new beetle convertible vehicles may have a fastening clamp on a hydraulic hose of the power steering system that may be located in an improper position which could cause chafing against an underhood fuel supply line.

If chafing occurs, there is the potential for a fuel leak to develop. Fuel leakage, in the presence of an ignition source, could result in a fire.

Dealers will inspect and if necessary replace the underhood fuel line. Additionally, depending on the vehicle model, dealers will either remove the plastic tab from the windshield washer fluid reservoir, or inspect the position of the fastening clamp and adjust the related fastening clamp into the correct position. This service will be performed free of charge. The safety recall is expected to begin on or before january 31, 2011.

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Η Τoyota αναλαλεί άλλα 2.17 εκατομμήρια οχήματα (Πρόβλημα: το πατάκι του οδηγού μπορέί να μπλοκάρει το πεντάλ του γκαζιού) :

Toyota Announces Two Voluntary Recalls and Amends Potential Floor Mat Interference Recall Announced in 2009

Driver’s Side Floor Carpet Plastic Pad Modification on Lexus GS

Driver’s Side Floor Carpet Cover Replacement on Lexus RX and Toyota Highlander

Models Added to the Potential Floor Mat Interference with Accelerator Pedal Recall

Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), Inc., today announced that it will conduct a voluntary safety recall of approximately 20,000 2006 and early 2007 Model Year GS 300 and GS 350 All-Wheel Drive vehicles to modify the shape of the plastic pad embedded in the driver’s side floor carpet. In the event that the floor carpet around the accelerator pedal is not properly replaced in the correct position after a service operation, there is a possibility that the plastic pad embedded into the floor carpet may interfere with the operation of the accelerator pedal. If this occurs, the accelerator pedal may become temporarily stuck in a partially depressed position rather than returning to the idle position. Owners of the involved GS 300 and GS 350 All-Wheel Drive vehicles will receive a notification by first class mail beginning in early March 2011.

Toyota will also voluntarily recall approximately 372,000 2004 through 2006 and early 2007 RX 330, RX 350, and RX 400h vehicles, and approximately 397,000 2004 through 2006 Highlander and Highlander HV vehicles to replace the driver’s side floor carpet cover and its two retention clips. If the forward retention clip used to secure the floor carpet cover, which is located in front of the center console, is not installed properly, the cover may lean toward the accelerator pedal and interfere with the accelerator pedal arm. If this occurs, the accelerator pedal may become temporarily stuck in a partially depressed position rather than returning to the idle position.

Owners of the involved RX and Highlander vehicles will receive an interim notification by first class mail beginning in the near future, explaining how to inspect for this condition or that they may contact their local dealer to perform the inspection.

Owners will receive a second notification once the replacement covers are available. Separately, Toyota has amended its recall from November 2009, adding three models to address the potential for unsecured or incompatible floor mat entrapment of the accelerator pedal. The models added include:

Approximately 603,000 2003 through 2009 4Runner Approximately 17,000 2008 through 2011 Lexus LX 570; and Approximately 761,000 2006 through 2010 RAV4

Owners of the involved 4Runner, LX 570, and RAV4 vehicles will receive an interim notification by first class mail beginning in the near future, informing them of the condition. Owners will receive a second notification once the recall preparations are complete.

Toyota and Lexus dealers will implement the newly announced and amended recall remedies at no charge to the vehicle owners.

Edited by TSI.
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Type/number of model: Vehicle type MS, EC type-approval e6*93/81*0028*00 -01 and e6*98/14*0028*02

Description: The affected vehicles were manufactured between 1997 and 2002 and have a vehicle identification number in the range: TSMMS*35S00316394 to TSMMS*35S00907700. All vehicle owners will be notified and dealers will provide information on the measure, code 201009.

The product poses a risk of injuries because, due to possible defects in the coating of the front shock-absorber unit, the brackets holding the stub-axles in place could yield to corrosion. As this corrosion progresses, it is possible that the stub axles could work themselves loose.

Voluntary recall from consumers by the manufacturer.

Land Rover Discovery + Range Rover Sport

Type/number of model:

Model year: 2007 – 2009. The vehicles affected by the recall have had high pressure fuel pumps installed as aftermarket replacement parts:

1) Discovery 3: TDV6 EU4, VIN range: LA412306 – LA512711 (specific vehicles);

2) Range Rover Sport: TDV6 EU4, VIN range: LS983192 – LS999999 (specific vehicles) and LS100000 – LS215295 (specific vehicles).


The products pose a fire risk because the high pressure fuel pump installed as an aftermarket replacement part may leak fuel. In extreme cases, it is possible that the vehicle may catch fire.

Voluntary corrective action taken by the manufacturer.

Citroen C4, C4 Picasso, C5 II, C5 (X7), Dispatch

Type/number of model:

e2*98/14*0254*13, e2*98/14*0254*14, e2*2001/116*0302*02, e2*2001/116*0302*14, e2*2001/116*0302*03, e2*2001/116*0306*04, e2*2001/116*0360*00, e2*2001/116*0360*01, e2*2001/116*0345*01, e2*2001/116*0345*06, e2*2001/116*0350*03, e2*2001/116*0350*03


The products pose an injuries risk because the vacuum pump valve may have problems opening and may occasionally limit braking assistance.

Voluntary corrective action taken by the manufacturer.

Jeep Wrangler and Wrangler Unlimited (type JK)

Type/number of model: The recall concerns 2007 to 2010 model year vehicles. The VIN/chassis numbers are:

1J?@A#$%&!L*, where:

? = 4 or 8

@ = F or G

# = B or C or E

$ = 4 or 9

% = 1 or 5 or 9

& = 1 to 9 or X

! = 7 or 8 or 9

* = production numbers of 6-digits


The product poses a risk of injuries as the front bumper liner may detach or sag allowing the bumper liner to contact one or more brake tubes, which could result in a hydraulic leak and reduce braking performance leading to a road accident.

Voluntary corrective action taken by the manufacturer.

Jeep Cherokee (type KK)

The recall concerns 2008 model year vehicles.

The VIN/chassis numbers are: 1J8GN$8%#8W*, where:

$ = B or C or E

% = 9 or K

# = 1 to 9 or X

* = production numbers of 6-digits


The product poses a risk of injuries as the windshield wiper motor on the affected vehicles may fail without warning. Loss of the use of the windshield wipers could limit the driver’s visibility under certain driving conditions and lead to a road accident.

Voluntary corrective action taken by the manufacturer

Toyota Avensis

Type/number of model: Certain vehicles with 2.0 or 2.4 litre direct injection petrol engine (D4), model year: 2000 to 2008.

"See attached list of VIN numbers"


The product poses a risk of fire as:

(1) The fuel pipe may develop small cracks and, in the worst case, causing fuel to leak.

(2) Over time, fuel leakage may occur from the high pressure fuel pump check valve during operation of the fuel pump

Lexus IS250, IS250C

Type/number of model: Year: 2007 to 2009.

"See attached list of VIN numbers"


The product poses a risk of fire as there is a possibility that, over time, the fuel pressure sensor connected to the engine fuel delivery pipe could become loose causing fuel to leak.

Renault Megane II RS

Type/number of model: The recall concerns vehicles produced between 14-04-2004 and 05-05-2004.


The product poses a risk of injuries because the front, right-hand wheel hub carrier could have cracks and, in certain cases, could break leading to a road accident.

Nissan Primastar

Type/number of model: Primastar X83. Production period: 19/05/2010 to 23/08/2010; Affected VIN´s: VSKF4AHA6UY (627240 – 627261).


The product poses a risk of injuries because there is a possibility that the handbrake cable can detach leading to loss of function of the handbrake

Honda Jazz

Type/number of model: GD1 and GD5.

The recall concerns certain 2002 to 2008 model year Jazz vehicles, manufactured between 22 October 2001 and 24 July 2008, within the VINs ranges given in the attached document.


The product poses a risk of injuries because the lighting switch terminal may fail resulting in the headlights not working or going off whilst driving. Inoperative headlights may lead to an accident.

Volvo S80, S60, V70, V60, XC60, XC70, C30, S40, V50

Type/number of model:

S80 - e4*2001/116*0057*14, e4*2001/116*0057*15

S60 - e9*2007/46*0023*02, e9*2007/46*0023*03

V70 - e9*2001/116*0065*10, e9*2001/116*0065*11

V60 - e9*2007/46*0023*02, e9*2007/46*0023*03

XC60 - e9*2001/116*0068*07, e9*2001/116*0068*08

XC70 - e9*2001/116*0065*10

C30 - e4*2001/116*0076*21, e4*2001/116*0076*22

S40 - e4*2001/116*0076*22

V50 - e4*2001/116*0076*22

Description: Passenger cars fitted with five cylinder diesel engines.


The products pose a risk of fire because the high pressure fuel pipes may not have been correctly installed which could lead to a fuel leak and, in the worst case, a fire in the engine bay.

Peugeot 307, 308, 407, 607, 807, EXPERT

Type/number of model: The recall concerns certain vehicles manufactured between 15/12/2006 and 31/03/2009:

307: Certain vehicles between VIN VF33CRHRH84860255 and VIN VF33HRHRJ85155411

308: Certain vehicles between VIN VF34C9HZC55000273 and VIN VF34BRHF89S026897

407: Certain vehicles between VIN VF36DRHRJ21579195 and VIN VF36JRHRH9LO09117

607: Certain vehicles between VIN VF39URHRH92231153 and VIN VF39URHRH9S025980

807: Certain vehicles between VIN VF3EBRHRH13326110 and VIN VF3EBRHKH9Z008964

Expert: Certain vehicles between VIN VF3XARHKH64016506 and VIN VF3XSRHGH8Z001794.


The product poses a risk of injuries because, in very rare cases, the vacuum pump valve may suffer from opening problems, leading to an occasional reduction in braking assistance, which could lead to a road accident.

Edited by Speedy
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Volvo S40/ V50/ C30

Type/number of model: Model Year 2007. Chassis numbers C30: 0000073-0010313 S40: 0250037-0296638 V50: 0270042-0313561 with engines B4164S3, B4184S8, B4184S11 and B4204S3.


The product poses a risk of fire because water could penetrate into the electric cooling fan control unit and this could result in a short circuit and, in the worst scenario, a fire. Since the fan is permanently connected to the battery voltage, a fire could occur when the vehicle is parked, with the ignition switched either on or off.

Four incidents of fires reported in Sweden.

Mitsubishi Outlander

Type/number of model: CW0W. The recall concerns model year 2007-2008 vehicles without power seats, produced until January 29, 2008.


The product poses a risk of fire because some vehicles without power seats have an unused power seat connector under the front seats, which is powered even when the ignition is switched off. If snow and road salt penetrate the housing of this connector, corrosion of the connector terminals can occur, leading to the possibility that the connector will melt due to burning.

Peugeot 4007

Type/number of model: The recall concerns certain vehicles with VINs from VF3VVSFZC8U907717 to VF3VVSFZF8U910604.


The product poses a risk of fire because on affected vehicles, electrical connectors intended to supply the electric front seats fitted to some versions are not used and are located under the rear footwell floor carpets. If these connectors come into contact with water and road salt, they may corrode over time and cause localised electrical overheating.

Suzuki Grand Vitara 2.4L

Type/number of model: Grand Vitara 2.4L (JB424). The recall concerns vehicles produced from 02.06.2008 to 20.10.2010, with VINs from JSAJTDA4V00100061 to JSAJTDA4V00201579.


The product poses a risk of injuries because the internal spring of the tension adjuster for the drive belt (that operates the generator, water pump, air conditioner compressor, and power steering pump) may break. As a consequence, the tension of the drive belt will not be adjusted and, in the worst case, the belt may come off the power steering pump pulley and driver will need increased effort to steer the vehicle which could lead to a road accident.

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